Pensacola Saber Corps

Pensacola Saber Corps

Saber Corps is a subdivision of The Jedi Council of Florida.  The Jedi Council its self covers Star Wars, cosplay, events, fan theory and light sabers in film, TV, literature, media, gaming, and art.

Saber Corps focuses more on the Saber Dueling aspect of it.  We train and practice in order to become the best duelist we can be.  We battle but we also choreograph, we have fun and we work hard, most of all we love to learn, share, and teach others.

Group Rules

1. While we are in public, please remember your behavior reflects the group as a whole.
2. No dueling fans.  Force FX will break under our sabers. Accidental injury to untrained people is a liability.
3. Respect other members and their belongings. No means No.
4. Not everyone will agree on everything, while friendly debates are fine, do not fight in public.
5. Treat an individuals privet residence with the same respect as your own home.

 -Failure to respect any of the rules will result in your being asked to leave-

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Taking Requests!!

Pensacola Saber Corps is meeting 7/22/18 and I am taking requests.  Is there something you would like to see, any questions you would l...